Yeah that faggot finally put out and dropped his cloak for me, 1/15 is the final count. I was bored yesterday morning and I need a Stone IV scroll so I figured I would go camp this guy and maybe get lucky and get both drops. Well I didn't get the scroll but I did get the cloak. Of course once I hit 68 I'll probably full time Black Cloak but meh it was worth it.
I just realized I haven't updated this thing in over a month, my longest gap between updates if I'm not mistaken. I don't really have a reason other than I just haven't felt like doing it.
Things are pretty much the same as always, work and watch kid. Its starting to get warm out finally so I can start taking her for walks and stuff soon instead of being cooped up in the house all day. I'm getting ready to go to visit my parents in Virginia at the end of the month so that should be interesting. I'm not sure how she will handle being in a car for 5+ hours but hopefully she'll sleep most of the time. I'm just thinking about the sheer amount of crap I have to drag down there with me (pack n play, bottles, bottle rack, diapers, wipes, formula, etc) and its overwhelming. Its bad enough just taking her out to the doctors or mall for a few hours, now I have to plan for a week long trip.
Anyway with FFXI I've been leveling Alchemy so I can synth all the Igquira gear and its sitting at 40.5 at the moment. I only need to get it to 44 to be able to synth everything, but looking ahead getting to 60 should be cheap and easy so I might just do that. As for BLM, since I don't have a partner anymore I may just shelve the job at 68. I leveled the job so I could duo with my partner, and since she is probably 75 already there is no real point to it anymore. Sure there is level sync but its not the same. Who knows though, I got it this far so I should probably just finish it off.
Well thats it for now, I'll try not to have any more 1 month gaps between posts. See you later.