Ok not really.
So I was sitting in Sandy after doing a quest, thinking of something to do, so I figure what the hell, let me go see if Taisaijin is up, and low and behold he was. I actually went the first time as BLM but I got my ass handed to me, so I came back NIN and won easily. No Spelunkers Hat but at least I got a cool title for my trouble.
I also made a Facebook page too, despite telling myself I'd never do it. But having most of your family on it, and a desire to keep in touch with them, overrides that. I've found a bunch of old friends from my high school days but I haven't sent them friend invites. I probably will eventually though.
Other than that not much new. My daughter is a glutton for punishment who keeps hurting herself lol. Oh well hopefully she'll learn one day not to do stupid things that will harm her.
I'm also watching the Confederate Cup finals right now between the US and Brazil. We had a 2-0 lead at the half but Brazil tied it up. Its in the 82nd minute right now so maybe we'll get lucky and win.
Well see you guys later and go visit my Facebook page.