Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The many faces of Hillary

Will the real Hillary Clinton please stand up? I mean seriously, this lady has more personalities than Mike Myers, Will Ferrel, and Jim Carrey combined. It seems like everyday she has a total personality makeover and frankly it scares me. One minute she is crying in New Hampshire for no apparent reason, then she is screaming at the top of her lungs with that shrilly shriek that makes my ears bleed. She says what an honor it is to be at the debate next to Obama, then the very next day circulates photos of him dressed in traditional Kenyan garb with the obvious intent of trying to link him to Muslim Extremists. She calls Obama a dreamer and all the people that voted for him hopeless, she is mean, vindictive, and divisive, and that is exactly what this country does NOT need right now.

At this point I wonder why anyone would even think about voting for her. She touts her "experience", but looking deeper you find that she barely has any at all. You were a Presidents wife, so I guess thats makes you qualified huh? So what if I'm married to a doctor, ould you let me operate on you just because I'm married to one? She claims she is the only candidate that can run the country "from day 1", yet she can't even manage her own damn Campaign, and I'm supposed to believe she is so qualified to run the US? Even senior party members, long time Clinton friends and supporters, are jumping onto Obamas ship. If he is so naive and inexperienced like she claims, then how is able to "dupe" these people into following him?

The fact of the matter is Hillary is not the answer for this country. The Republicans hate her so anything she tries to get accomplished they will just bog down and keep it from happening, essentially giving us 4 more years of a divided and stagnant government. We need to break this gridlock we have right now, we need someone who can reach across party lines and get shit done. Obama is the only who can do this. Not Hillary, not McCain.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

September 12th

I found out yesterday that this is the estimated due date of my soon to be child. While it is a bit closer to September 11th than I would like (for obvious reasons) I am happy nonetheless that I finally know how long the wife has been pregnant. Now I can do some real planning for this whole ordeal, like getting a new place to live, setting up finances, insurance crap, etc etc. All in all it looks to be a very exciting and frustrating time.

In other news Barack Obama took both Hawaii and Wisconsin with ease and has pulled even further ahead of Hillary. Nothing short of a convincing sweep of the Big 3 will keep her hopes alive at this point. She resorted to some very negative campaigning in Wisconsin and it didn't even make a dent in Obama's support. He has now taken her over in her bread and butter demographics of women voters and blue-collar workers. The only one she leads in now is the over 65 crowd, and frankly most of them grew up in the times of terrible racism in this country. I am predicting a Barack win in Texas and a close loss in Ohio which should give him enough of a lead for Hillary to concede. Like I've said before, the Clintons have shown time and time again that they are cutthroat and selfish and that they will do anything to get what they want, so they may drag this out to the very end.

In FFXI news, with the massive amounts of Kirin runs we have been doing lately I managed to snag myself a Dryadic Body Abjuration. So then I sold just about everything I own to get a Cursed Togi and turned it into a Shura Togi, which is pretty much the best Monk body armor in the game. I tried adding an image but Blogspot is being retarded right now. Hopefully I'll be able to get a Kirins Osode in the not too distant future, which is sexy for all my jobs, especially BST. Haven't done much else besides level my Cooking mule a bit more (33.5 now) but I'm off all weekend so I'll be able to play a lot. Maybe I'll get to see Shay again finally >_> she seems to have disappeared on me without saying anything. I'm sure she has a good reason, but I hope to see her soon.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Routine Eye Exam

So me and the wifey go to the Eye doctor yesterday to get our eyes checked and to order new glasses/contacts. They have this new thing called OptoMap, where they take a detailed image of your eyeball that they can use to detect all sorts of things with. I go in first, do the eye test, and have a look at my eyeball. Everything is completely normal with me.

Next the wife comes in, does her eye test, etc etc, then we take a look at her eye. Unlike me she has a problem with the right eye. Turns out she has a Detached Retina, and if it goes untreated for long, can result in her going blind in that eye. So after the doctor makes a few phone calls we rush over to see an Opthomologist to get a second opinion. He agrees with the other doctor and now she has to get a mini surgery done to correct the problem.

This involves having her eye frozen and a bubble of gas injected into the eyeball that will float up and push the Retina back in place. Sound simple enough, but there is a catch. She has to keep her head tilted to the side for 10 days. Yes, thats TEN days. I can't even imagine myself being able to do that for that long. She goes in on Tuesday next week to get it done and I pray for her upcoming suffering to be as easy as possible.

In other news, I was sick pretty much all week so all I did was sleep lol. I didn't play much FFXI but I did finally beat FFXII. It was a very good game, even if the ending was kinda crappy. I don't know, maybe my expectations are too high now since the last few FF games had such amazing endings. Next up is a game my wife bought me for Christmas called Rogue Galaxy. I played it for about an hour yesterday and it seems pretty fun so far.

The Wisconsin and Hawaii elections are today and I expect Obama to take both states, even though the polls have them neck and neck in Wisconsin. I think that by March 5th we'll have our winner of the Democratic nomination decided even if technically they are both still alive. John McCain has the Republican nomination all but won right now and the Dems don't want to fall too far behind by dragging out their nomination a long time. I have a feeling however that Hillary won't concede easily even if it is in the best interest of the party. She doesn't play well with others which is one of the reasons I don't want her in office. If you think Bush is bad then you won't want anything to do with Hillary.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Thats the score right now in post-Super Tuesday elections, with Obama winning 8 straight and gaining a sizable lead over Hillary in Delegates. If he can manage to win one of the big 3 remaining (Texas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania) then he'll all but wrap up the Democratic nomination. Its getting very exciting now, and it looks like my home states primary will actually matter for once.

In FFXI news, I'm slowly coming to the realization that my days are numbered and I'll likely have to quit when the baby comes. I'm now in the process of making my preparations for departure, and will be giving my account to Shay when the time comes. I've all but retired myself from the level grind and am gonna focus on crafting and getting sky gear. I've been doing assaults a lot lately and I must admit I'm loving them. We've now finished all the PSC and PFC ones, and are working on SP's. Some of them sucked (fuck Orichalcum Survey) and some of them were really fun (any of the "kill everything" ones). We've done 11/50 so far, and if I can keep up with 3 per week I should be Captain Rank in a few months.

Like I said above, I'm prepping my account for Shay to use for when she gets it. Since she is a BST main I started to level Cooking on a mule so she can make her own Jugs and Pet Food. Its 28.7 right now and I'm hoping to get it to at least 70 before I go. I don't really see that as a problem considering how cheap and easy Cooking is to level. I also am going to save all my points up in sky for a Kirins Osode which will be very awesome for her BST.

No matter what happens I'm gonna miss my FFXI life very much. I made a few great friends, had a lot of great times, and I hope to keep in touch with them after I'm gone. I hope to be able to attend Souls wedding, and I hope to be able to meet Shay one day, whether it be her coming to visit or me going to visit her. Either way it is something I want to happen very much.

See you later

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Super Bowl and Super Tuesday

It was a very good week for me concerning these two events. First on Sunday the undefeated, arrogant, and wholey undeserving Patriots got their just desserts by losing to the Giants 17-14 in the Super Bowl. It was a great day in sports because the Patriots were caught cheating earlier in the year, and they have repeatedly displayed poor sportsmanship and disrespect for the league and its fans. Justice was definitely served on this day.

As for Super Tuesday, it turned out to be a pretty damn good day for Obama, better than was expected. As it turns out he took 13 of the 22 states and is now in a dead heat with Hillary, even though he was expected to fall behind by a fairly significant margin. In fact if it wasn't for Hillary's big win in California, Obama would probably have the nomination wrapped up by now.

The focus of each Campaign has now changed, with Hillary cutting back on her overall campaigning and focusing on the "Big states" that still remain such as Texas and Pennsylvania. I think she is banking everything on winning these few states to secure the nomination. Either way Obama is in a very good position right now and has a very good chance to take the nomination.

On the Republican side their nominee has been pretty much decided. With his big day on Super Tuesday, and with his main competitor dropping out today, the road is clear for John McCain to win the Republican nod. Personally I think he is the only Pubby that has a shot in hell of winning and I wouldn't even mind it if he did win.

I'm looking forward to the next few weeks, the Democratic race is gonna go down to the wire and I think whoever gets the nod will have a very good shotting at winning the White House.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Just call me Daddy

Well I recieved quite a shock this past week when I found out that my wife was pregnant. We weren't trying to have one, and in fact we were trying hard to NOT have one, but as life normally does it decided to kick me in the nuts again.

Now that the initial shock is over I have had a chance to really reflect on this and I can honestly say I'm looking forward to it. I have always wanted to be a father and now it seems I'm getting my chance. I am a bit worried though because I know next to nothing about kids or how to raise them. I was always one of the youngest in my family so I never had experience with younger people. That being said I'm sure I'll do fine.

We don't know the exact date of expectancy or conception, but I'm pretty sure the child will be born in early September. She has an appointment with the Gynecologist on February 20th so hopefully we'll know for sure then.

With all that happening it looks like my days in FFXI are likely numbered. If I do end up coming back it will only be in short spurts and more than likely just serve as a way to see my friends. I haven't done a whole lot in game recently, merited a bit for the first time in like 6 months, and did some more sky. Other than that not much has been happening there for me.

In Political news I'm totally psyched for Super Tuesday in 3 days. I'm gonna be watching the news all day hoping to hear about my boy Obama spanking Hillary up and down the whole country. In all honestly I think Hillary will fare slightly better but Obama will still cling to the lead after all is said and done. I think if Hillary doesn't surge ahead that she will end up losing the nomination. She is ahead in most polls and if Obama can match her than it will be very bad for her.

I probably won't post again till around wednesday or thursday, and I'll have my Super Tuesday and Super Bowl wraps ready for you. Until then.