Saturday, January 26, 2008

Big win for Obama

Today was a huge day for those backing the cause of not allowing Hillary into the White House. In a vote that was more than 50% African American, Obama absolutely crushed Hillary by recieving 55% of the vote to Hillary's 27% today in the South Carolina Primary. This was a particularly important state because it gives a good benchmark to how the African American vote will go throughout the rest of the US. Well the voters have spoken and it looks like Obama has just been pushed up into front runner status.

Here is a picture of him during his victory speech

Look at him, he evens looks Presidential. This is turning out to be one of the most historic elections in our history because it is very likely that we'll either have our first woman or our first minority President. Right now he leads Hillary 63-48 and has all the momentum going into Super Tuesday, where he'll hopefully keep it going.

In FFXI news, well, I didn't do a whole lot this week. I went and did a Promy Vahzl ENM with Soul and Lillalag and won easily. We didn't get a Toreadors Ring but I'm sure we will one day. Once Shay gets far enough into CoP I'll bring her along with us. We also did a KSNM run and none of us got anything worthwhile, but it was fun. My BLU is now level 24 and I'll probably try and level it again this week. Other than that everything is just same as always.

This week looks like it will be pretty uneventful but who knows, something exciting may happen. See you later.

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