Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Thats the score right now in post-Super Tuesday elections, with Obama winning 8 straight and gaining a sizable lead over Hillary in Delegates. If he can manage to win one of the big 3 remaining (Texas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania) then he'll all but wrap up the Democratic nomination. Its getting very exciting now, and it looks like my home states primary will actually matter for once.

In FFXI news, I'm slowly coming to the realization that my days are numbered and I'll likely have to quit when the baby comes. I'm now in the process of making my preparations for departure, and will be giving my account to Shay when the time comes. I've all but retired myself from the level grind and am gonna focus on crafting and getting sky gear. I've been doing assaults a lot lately and I must admit I'm loving them. We've now finished all the PSC and PFC ones, and are working on SP's. Some of them sucked (fuck Orichalcum Survey) and some of them were really fun (any of the "kill everything" ones). We've done 11/50 so far, and if I can keep up with 3 per week I should be Captain Rank in a few months.

Like I said above, I'm prepping my account for Shay to use for when she gets it. Since she is a BST main I started to level Cooking on a mule so she can make her own Jugs and Pet Food. Its 28.7 right now and I'm hoping to get it to at least 70 before I go. I don't really see that as a problem considering how cheap and easy Cooking is to level. I also am going to save all my points up in sky for a Kirins Osode which will be very awesome for her BST.

No matter what happens I'm gonna miss my FFXI life very much. I made a few great friends, had a lot of great times, and I hope to keep in touch with them after I'm gone. I hope to be able to attend Souls wedding, and I hope to be able to meet Shay one day, whether it be her coming to visit or me going to visit her. Either way it is something I want to happen very much.

See you later

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