Well its about damn time for a dedicated FFXI update, being that the major subject of my blog is supposed to be about FFXI and all. I haven't been doing a whole hell of a lot but I'll recap whats been going on lately.
As I have talked about recently I have been leveling BLM a lot lately. The main reason I took the job back up from level 42 (where it had been sitting for like 2 years) was because Shay asked me to duo with her BLM. I had always liked BLM before when I leveled it, and since I had so much fun leveling BST with her, I didn't hesitate to agree and to catch up as fast as possible. So I did just that, and even though we've only actually duoed twice so far (I'm 57 she is 56), I had fun doing it.
I also finally did a full sky run the other day for the first time ever I think. We farmed a bit and did a Kirin. I enjoyed the Kirin fight even though all I do is Boost and Chi Blast. To be completely honest I don't even remember what else we did besides kill Olla Grande once.
Lastly I finally got off my ass and started doing some Aht Urghan missions. I should have done them ages ago but I got lazy and fell behind and never got caught up. First we started out on mission 29 which was a fight against a Mamool riding a Wivre in Jade Sepulcher. The thing had some pretty insane defense and spammed a Fire based AoE but was easily dispatched of.
The next fight was mission 31 where we had to go to Arrapago Reef and kill some Lamia. It took us over an hour to build the party and we finished the fight in about 3 minutes, very anti-climactic.
Finally we did mission 35 and boy what a disaster that whole experience was. For starters it took us 5 hours, yes FIVE FUCKING HOURS from starting to shout for people before we actually went into the BC. Some of the problems we ran into were lack of people interested in it, people that didn't do the prep work leading up to the BC, and one particularly retarded member who took 3 tries to manage to zone into the correct entrance. Once we finally managed to do the fight we won (thank God) and now I'm up to mission 38.
The story so far isn't too bad, its definitely starting to pick up thats for sure. It started out soooooo slowwwwww and I was pretty disappointed up until about 35, but it is getting better now. I've read that it has a very epic ending (can't imagine anything being more epic than CoP ending though) so I'm hoping it makes up for the lack of enjoyable fights and long and mostly uninteresting cutscenes I've endured so far.
Well thats it for now, looking forward to leveling some BLM this week when I can, even though its probably gonna be a busy one for me in real life. See you all soon.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
With the good comes the bad
First the good news. My favorite pro Hockey team, the Philadelphia Flyers, completed their first round upset over the Washington Capitals last night with a game 7 victory 3-2 in overtime. The Flyers had the worst record in the league last year and to bounce back and win a playoff series the next year is a pretty damn good accomplishment. Now we play the Montreal Canadiens and sadly I don't think we have any shot of beating them. Either way it has been a great season for the Flyboys.
The bad news is that Hillary won the Pennsylvania primary last night 55%-45% which is just enough for her to justify keeping her election bid going. I really thought Obama would only lose by about 7-8% but sadly it wasn't to be. Now we get to sit and watch as Hillary, who has virtually no shot at winning the nomination, drags the party down even further and gives McCain even more time to build a campaign fund and woo potential voters unopposed. Indeed it was a sad day yesterday for the American people and the rest of the world.
Since there is a maintenance now right on FFXI I decided to make this post. I think its a good time for me to reflect and acknowledge some of my own faults and shortcomings. For one I tend to be very poor at explaining my feelings and thoughts, and it has negatively affected my life time and time again. Its doing it right now in fact and I need to be better at making things clearer to people.
I also need to stop being quite so cold to the people around me. I know that I am pretty shy and not very talkative, but I tend to be very stern or even rude to those not close to me. I need to be better at being nicer and being more open.
Well thats it for now, see you later.
The bad news is that Hillary won the Pennsylvania primary last night 55%-45% which is just enough for her to justify keeping her election bid going. I really thought Obama would only lose by about 7-8% but sadly it wasn't to be. Now we get to sit and watch as Hillary, who has virtually no shot at winning the nomination, drags the party down even further and gives McCain even more time to build a campaign fund and woo potential voters unopposed. Indeed it was a sad day yesterday for the American people and the rest of the world.
Since there is a maintenance now right on FFXI I decided to make this post. I think its a good time for me to reflect and acknowledge some of my own faults and shortcomings. For one I tend to be very poor at explaining my feelings and thoughts, and it has negatively affected my life time and time again. Its doing it right now in fact and I need to be better at making things clearer to people.
I also need to stop being quite so cold to the people around me. I know that I am pretty shy and not very talkative, but I tend to be very stern or even rude to those not close to me. I need to be better at being nicer and being more open.
Well thats it for now, see you later.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
How about a real update
Long story short I feel like writing again, so thats what I'm gonna do.
First lets talk about real life. I'm currently in the market to purchase a house and so far the search hasn't been too bad. I am trying to get something close to where I currently live but the prices are a bit higher than I really wanna pay. I've found some really nice ones in my price range a bit farther east than I would like, but they are farther away than I want to be. I don't want to move too far away from my in laws because they are gonna be watching my baby a lot. I'm hoping to find something and get settled by the end of June so I have time to get everything ready for the big day.
At work today they decided to shut the water off in my building for 8 hours so they can work on the sewage system. That means I have to walk 98475983456934 miles to get to the bathroom across the street if I have to go. Its a royal pain in the ass and thank goodness my stomach feels fine today or I'd be in trouble. Its also Saturday morning so its dead here and I'm bored out of my mind already. I'll probably try and look up more houses today or try and research some camps for BLM duo with Shay.
Speaking of which I've dedicated pretty much every second of my FFXI time lately catching up to her so we can level BLM together. She got a little ahead of me, and I got mad at her (I probably overreacted) but we are good now. I know she really wants to level badly and I do feel bad for holding her back, but I think it will be a lot of fun to do it together. I'm gonna do my damndest to keep up I promise.
I also haven't talked about the elections in a while and for good reason. I haven't been paying attention to them at all in the past few weeks until just recently. Obama made some controversial remarks about small town people, saying they "cling to guns and religion" which seemed to upset some people. Truth be told he is completely right about that and the only people that these remarks will bother are the ones that wouldn't vote for him anyway. The Clinton camp certainly slurped this up trying to weaken Obama, but just like the Reverand Wright controversy, it hasn't really hurt him at all. Of course the fact that Clinton has continually lied about her accomplishments and makes up stories to try and draw sympathy doesn't really help either.
More and more Superdelegates are jumping on the Obama bandwagon and he is quickly gaining on Clinton in polls in Pennsylvania. Although I'm 99% positive Clinton will still take PA I don't think it will be by more than 7-8%, which is as good as a loss since North Carolina is going to totally negate her PA win anyway. I wish she would just drop out so we can concentrate on McBush and stopping him and his Bush policies from continuing for another 4 years.
Well thats it for now. I'm gonna try and keep updating a few times a week again and also add more pictures. See you later.
First lets talk about real life. I'm currently in the market to purchase a house and so far the search hasn't been too bad. I am trying to get something close to where I currently live but the prices are a bit higher than I really wanna pay. I've found some really nice ones in my price range a bit farther east than I would like, but they are farther away than I want to be. I don't want to move too far away from my in laws because they are gonna be watching my baby a lot. I'm hoping to find something and get settled by the end of June so I have time to get everything ready for the big day.
At work today they decided to shut the water off in my building for 8 hours so they can work on the sewage system. That means I have to walk 98475983456934 miles to get to the bathroom across the street if I have to go. Its a royal pain in the ass and thank goodness my stomach feels fine today or I'd be in trouble. Its also Saturday morning so its dead here and I'm bored out of my mind already. I'll probably try and look up more houses today or try and research some camps for BLM duo with Shay.
Speaking of which I've dedicated pretty much every second of my FFXI time lately catching up to her so we can level BLM together. She got a little ahead of me, and I got mad at her (I probably overreacted) but we are good now. I know she really wants to level badly and I do feel bad for holding her back, but I think it will be a lot of fun to do it together. I'm gonna do my damndest to keep up I promise.
I also haven't talked about the elections in a while and for good reason. I haven't been paying attention to them at all in the past few weeks until just recently. Obama made some controversial remarks about small town people, saying they "cling to guns and religion" which seemed to upset some people. Truth be told he is completely right about that and the only people that these remarks will bother are the ones that wouldn't vote for him anyway. The Clinton camp certainly slurped this up trying to weaken Obama, but just like the Reverand Wright controversy, it hasn't really hurt him at all. Of course the fact that Clinton has continually lied about her accomplishments and makes up stories to try and draw sympathy doesn't really help either.
More and more Superdelegates are jumping on the Obama bandwagon and he is quickly gaining on Clinton in polls in Pennsylvania. Although I'm 99% positive Clinton will still take PA I don't think it will be by more than 7-8%, which is as good as a loss since North Carolina is going to totally negate her PA win anyway. I wish she would just drop out so we can concentrate on McBush and stopping him and his Bush policies from continuing for another 4 years.
Well thats it for now. I'm gonna try and keep updating a few times a week again and also add more pictures. See you later.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
It's me
Imagine that, I am finally getting around to actually posting something of myself. Hey look at that, its me.

And me again

Well I actually look a bit different at the moment. I shaved the beard off and my hair is a bit shorter but other than that I'm still my ugly old self. I'm just happy I still don't look like I'm 16 years old fully shaven anymore.
Anyway don't really have much to say right now. FFXI is going good, me and Shay started leveling BLM together and our first go around was very fun. Hopefully we'll make it to 75 one day in the not too distant future. We also had a bit of a, how should I put it, well we kind of hit a crossroad that unfortunately I feel needed to be crossed. Maybe she sees it differently but it was something I needed to bring about. We still haven't resolved it yet, but I'm confident that no matter what happens we'll remain close.
Enough babbling for now, I'll try and get some more pics and whatnot soon and post them up here. Until next time.

And me again

Well I actually look a bit different at the moment. I shaved the beard off and my hair is a bit shorter but other than that I'm still my ugly old self. I'm just happy I still don't look like I'm 16 years old fully shaven anymore.
Anyway don't really have much to say right now. FFXI is going good, me and Shay started leveling BLM together and our first go around was very fun. Hopefully we'll make it to 75 one day in the not too distant future. We also had a bit of a, how should I put it, well we kind of hit a crossroad that unfortunately I feel needed to be crossed. Maybe she sees it differently but it was something I needed to bring about. We still haven't resolved it yet, but I'm confident that no matter what happens we'll remain close.
Enough babbling for now, I'll try and get some more pics and whatnot soon and post them up here. Until next time.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Goodbye Nikki, 1992-2008

Well my mom called me today to tell me that my dog Nikki died yesterday. Well technically its their dog not mine, but I grew up with her so I consider her mine. We got her when I was 12 years old and she was a very good and very loyal dog.
I remember when she was a puppy she used to steal socks out my drawer and my hamper and run around the house with them making me chase her. She also used to love playing with Tennis Balls and Racquetballs. She was also the only one of the 6 dogs I had in my life I actually managed to teach to give me their paw.
Anyway it hasn't really hit me yet but I know I'll miss her very much. Here's to you Nikki, I hope your afterlife is as good as your living life was.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A small note
I don't really feel like writing anything right now or updating this blog at the moment. I found out the dog I grew up with is dying, and I have other stuff on my mind. I'll write again when I feel like it I suppose.
Just thought I'd let you guys know.
Just thought I'd let you guys know.
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