And me again

Well I actually look a bit different at the moment. I shaved the beard off and my hair is a bit shorter but other than that I'm still my ugly old self. I'm just happy I still don't look like I'm 16 years old fully shaven anymore.
Anyway don't really have much to say right now. FFXI is going good, me and Shay started leveling BLM together and our first go around was very fun. Hopefully we'll make it to 75 one day in the not too distant future. We also had a bit of a, how should I put it, well we kind of hit a crossroad that unfortunately I feel needed to be crossed. Maybe she sees it differently but it was something I needed to bring about. We still haven't resolved it yet, but I'm confident that no matter what happens we'll remain close.
Enough babbling for now, I'll try and get some more pics and whatnot soon and post them up here. Until next time.
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