Sunday, July 13, 2008

Back to normal (almost)

I finally got my internet back this past Thursday and I'm so happy. While having no Cable TV or internet left me lots of time to do stuff around my house, watch some of my DVD's, and play some forgotten PS2 games, I was quite ready to get back to my online life.

But before I get into that I wanna talk about the Phillies game I went to that day. This time I went with 9 of my co-workers instead of my parents and wife, so I could let loose a bit. They met up early in the parking lot of the Center (our hockey/basketball arena) to drink some beer, grill some food, and play some whiffle ball. Sadly I could not go early because I had to wait for the Cable guy and thus missed out on most of the fun.

The Phils were playing the St. Louis Cardinals and one of the guys that came with us is a huge Cardinals fan. We had a good time picking on him and baiting other fans to try and beat him up lol but he was a good sport about it. Well the Phils ended up winning the game 4-1 and Ryan Howard hit two home runs. We all had a great time and we are already talking about doing it again but probably not till next year.

I finally got to log into FFXI and check my Bonanza Marbles on friday morning. I ended up winning some exp scrolls and a Rank 4 prize on my main character. I used it to get an Empress Hairpin and sold my Emperor Hairpin for 450k so I made out ok. I considered getting a Behemoth Hide to either sell or have crafted into Dusk Gloves, but ultimately decided against it.

I also decided to pick up yet another soloable job (Dragoon) to pass my time. Since almost everyone I know has either quit or rarely plays, and since when my baby comes I will have very limited play time, I am going to pass my time soloing these jobs. I figure between BLU and DRG solo, and BLM duoing with Shay, I should have plenty to do in my time online. There are still a few small goals I'd like to accomplish soon (finish AU and WoTG missions for example) and I'm confident I can get it done.

Thats about it for the moment, see you all later.

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