And the winner is.........
Sarah Palin!!!
Huh!? I seriously can't comprehend this pick. I mean this is a major "wtf" of epic proportions. For one she's only 44 years old and has even less experience than Obama. Also she is knee deep in a corruption scandal for abuse of power and may go to jail for it. And third she is from Alaska and does absolutely nothing to help McCain in the 14 or so swing states he needs to win to be elected.
I really don't know what to say about it. I know McCain is old and starting to go senile but you'd think even he would have enough sense to pick Mitt Romney, who brings a LOT to the table to help him. The only things I can come up with are that hes trying to win over Hillary voters by picking a woman, and also because she always votes along party lines.
If he thinks hes gonna steal Hillary voters he sorely misguided, anyone that will vote for him wasn't gonna vote for Obama anyway. And while voting along party lines will make the party happy, it really only proves she doesn't know how to think for herself. McCains judgement has been shown to be pretty poor but this may just take the cake. This has definitely been a weird election year.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Democratic Convention
I'm actually gonna have 2 posts today, the first is going to be about the convention. I admittedly didn't watch much of the convention because I was so busy this set off. I had to go to 3 doctors appointments, a child birth class, and I painted 2 rooms and layed down a new floor in one of my bedrooms.
Anyways Day 1 was highlighted by a prime time speech from Michelle Obama, mostly detailing the life of Barack Obama, and it was utterly fantastic. She succeeded in painting him as a normal man and a normal father just like the rest of us, not some elitist celebrity McCain tries to make him out to be. It was a very touching speech highlighted by Obama having a fatherly talk with his 2 daughters.
Day 2 was headlined by a speech from Hillary, and though I didn't see it I heard it was very good. She stressed womans issues to make a case that Obama was far more woman-friendly than McCain, and made a convincing plea to her supporters to vote for him.
Day 3 was a very busy day, with the actual nomination vote being held. About halfway through Hillary called for the vote to be stopped and an Acclamation vote to be taken. Of course it was unanimous for Obama. There were also speeches by Bill Clinton and Joe Biden, both of which I heard were very good.
Day 4 was the big day, the one in which Obama gave a speech in front of almost 80k people at Invesco Field in Denver. It was also the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther Kings infamous "I Have a Dream" speech that brought about the abolishment of segregation. I can honestly say that Obamas speech was absolutely amazing. He hit every point he needed to hit, answered every question about his flaws, and gave McCain a thorough pwning in the issues. Many people, myself included, believe this is the turning point of the election.
The Republicans start their convention on Monday and it will be interesting to see how they can respond to this amazing speech. My guess is that they can't.
Anyways Day 1 was highlighted by a prime time speech from Michelle Obama, mostly detailing the life of Barack Obama, and it was utterly fantastic. She succeeded in painting him as a normal man and a normal father just like the rest of us, not some elitist celebrity McCain tries to make him out to be. It was a very touching speech highlighted by Obama having a fatherly talk with his 2 daughters.
Day 2 was headlined by a speech from Hillary, and though I didn't see it I heard it was very good. She stressed womans issues to make a case that Obama was far more woman-friendly than McCain, and made a convincing plea to her supporters to vote for him.
Day 3 was a very busy day, with the actual nomination vote being held. About halfway through Hillary called for the vote to be stopped and an Acclamation vote to be taken. Of course it was unanimous for Obama. There were also speeches by Bill Clinton and Joe Biden, both of which I heard were very good.
Day 4 was the big day, the one in which Obama gave a speech in front of almost 80k people at Invesco Field in Denver. It was also the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther Kings infamous "I Have a Dream" speech that brought about the abolishment of segregation. I can honestly say that Obamas speech was absolutely amazing. He hit every point he needed to hit, answered every question about his flaws, and gave McCain a thorough pwning in the issues. Many people, myself included, believe this is the turning point of the election.
The Republicans start their convention on Monday and it will be interesting to see how they can respond to this amazing speech. My guess is that they can't.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Running Mate

After nearly a week of grueling waiting I finally recieved my text message at 3:17am EST confirming Obamas choice for VP, Delaware Senator Joe Biden. I am extremely pleased with this selection (even though most liberals are disappointed with it) because he is strong where Obama is weak.
Obamas biggest percieved weaknesses as President are lack of experience, and weakness in foreign relations. Joe Biden more than makes up for these weaknesses with over 30 years in the Senate, and a very extensive foreign policy track record. Biden is very vocal and outspoken, and will have no problem attacking the Republicans, which will allow Obama to focus on his campaign message.
I have personally met Joe Biden several years ago and he seemed like a great guy. I had initially wanted him to win the Democratic nomination, but mostly that was because I had met him and because I had yet to do my research on the candidates. With this VP pick and the democratic National Convention this coming week I expect Obama to retake his big lead in the polls.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
More political ranting
Man I'll tell you, the Mass Media of this country is trying really hard to make this actually seem like a close election. Every headline today was all about how McCain is catching up, and how Obama is starting to lose, blah blah blah. Look, its all bullshit. This election isn't close at all, not by a long shot.
This is my favorite polling site, and it is probably the most accurate one I've ever seen. It updates daily with State by State polls, ya know the ones that actually matter. Well as of August 19th Obama has a 275-250 lead, his lowest lead yet. Lets break it down further though.
1. You need 270 Electoral votes to win the election
2. I'm going to assume that a 5%+ lead in the polls will hold up, considering it has always been that way. Any states with smaller margins I will call Swing States
3. There has been less fluctuation in polls this year than ever before
If you look at the states Obama has a 5%+ lead and count up the votes he will have 250 Electoral votes. The next biggest lead he holds is in Minnesota, which has 10 votes, and that state has only once ever voted Republican and won't do it again this year. So that gives Obama 260 votes that he is practically guaranteed to win.
Looking at that map you will notice that there are 12 Swing States currently with a total of 113 votes up for grabs. Obama simply needs to get 10 of these 113 votes to win the election. There are a total of 5 states that have more than that by themselves.
What does this all mean? It means that McCain has to basically win every single swing state to become President, and the likelyhood of that happening is about as likely as me soloing Absolute Virtue on my level 1 Scholar. Don't believe the shit networks are spewing about this being a close race, look at the facts and realize it never was and never will be.
Anyway my updated prediction for how the race will end up has Obama winning 306-232 and winning the popular vote by 5%.
This is my favorite polling site, and it is probably the most accurate one I've ever seen. It updates daily with State by State polls, ya know the ones that actually matter. Well as of August 19th Obama has a 275-250 lead, his lowest lead yet. Lets break it down further though.
1. You need 270 Electoral votes to win the election
2. I'm going to assume that a 5%+ lead in the polls will hold up, considering it has always been that way. Any states with smaller margins I will call Swing States
3. There has been less fluctuation in polls this year than ever before
If you look at the states Obama has a 5%+ lead and count up the votes he will have 250 Electoral votes. The next biggest lead he holds is in Minnesota, which has 10 votes, and that state has only once ever voted Republican and won't do it again this year. So that gives Obama 260 votes that he is practically guaranteed to win.
Looking at that map you will notice that there are 12 Swing States currently with a total of 113 votes up for grabs. Obama simply needs to get 10 of these 113 votes to win the election. There are a total of 5 states that have more than that by themselves.
What does this all mean? It means that McCain has to basically win every single swing state to become President, and the likelyhood of that happening is about as likely as me soloing Absolute Virtue on my level 1 Scholar. Don't believe the shit networks are spewing about this being a close race, look at the facts and realize it never was and never will be.
Anyway my updated prediction for how the race will end up has Obama winning 306-232 and winning the popular vote by 5%.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
So I lied
I said my next update would include pics of my new house, but its not. Reason being is I just haven't gotten around to it, plain and simple. What I really want to talk about now is the so called Faith Forum that happened this past Saturday.
Basically it was a question and answer session with a leader of the Evangelical Church that focused on faith based initiatives and morality. The first thing to note is that Evangelicals are mostly hardcore Conservatives, and the questions asked were heavily favorable for McCain.
Many people are declaring it a victory for McCain, who wasn't his usual bumbling senile self, but was actually pretty clear and concise with his answers. Well there is likely a good reason for this. While Obama was being questioned McCain was supposed to be in a "cone of silence" wherein he couldn't hear the questions being asked. Turns out not only was McCain not in the "cone of silence", he showed up to the venue 45 minutes after Obama started getting questioned, allowing him to be able to hear the questions in advance. When the pastor asked McCain how it was in the cone of silence, McCain lied and said he was there the whole time. Not only do we have a liar for a candidate, we have one that can't even show up on time.
Also answering questions quickly, concisely, and correctly is just not John McCains style, at all, feeding more fuel to the fire that he got the questions beforehand while Obama didn't. People say Obama fumbled his words and took too long to answer. They are wrong, he gave thoughtful and insightful answers to tough questions, whereas all McCain did was tell war stories and drone on with his campaigns talking points. He has repeatedly showed the same bullish stubborness that Bush has showed the past 6 years, and look where thats gotten us. People say that Obama is all talk and no substance, but all I hear from McCain is "war war war", and oh btw we are failing on that front too.
Look at the issues, look at the state of this country, and take a good hard look at these two men. I can't even fathom how someone can vote for McCain when all he wants to do is continue Bush's failed Presidency, continue the pointless (and extremely expensive) war in Iraq, and has no interest in fixing our broken economy.
Basically it was a question and answer session with a leader of the Evangelical Church that focused on faith based initiatives and morality. The first thing to note is that Evangelicals are mostly hardcore Conservatives, and the questions asked were heavily favorable for McCain.
Many people are declaring it a victory for McCain, who wasn't his usual bumbling senile self, but was actually pretty clear and concise with his answers. Well there is likely a good reason for this. While Obama was being questioned McCain was supposed to be in a "cone of silence" wherein he couldn't hear the questions being asked. Turns out not only was McCain not in the "cone of silence", he showed up to the venue 45 minutes after Obama started getting questioned, allowing him to be able to hear the questions in advance. When the pastor asked McCain how it was in the cone of silence, McCain lied and said he was there the whole time. Not only do we have a liar for a candidate, we have one that can't even show up on time.
Also answering questions quickly, concisely, and correctly is just not John McCains style, at all, feeding more fuel to the fire that he got the questions beforehand while Obama didn't. People say Obama fumbled his words and took too long to answer. They are wrong, he gave thoughtful and insightful answers to tough questions, whereas all McCain did was tell war stories and drone on with his campaigns talking points. He has repeatedly showed the same bullish stubborness that Bush has showed the past 6 years, and look where thats gotten us. People say that Obama is all talk and no substance, but all I hear from McCain is "war war war", and oh btw we are failing on that front too.
Look at the issues, look at the state of this country, and take a good hard look at these two men. I can't even fathom how someone can vote for McCain when all he wants to do is continue Bush's failed Presidency, continue the pointless (and extremely expensive) war in Iraq, and has no interest in fixing our broken economy.
Monday, August 11, 2008
The stretch run
So now I sit just over a month till my baby is supposed to be born, and it feels like I still have a billion things to do beforehand. First I have to paint the nursery and get it all set up. I also have to start going to childbirth classes the next 4 weeks, where I'll learn how to breathe and how to not kill my kid lol.
I went to a wedding this past weekend which was very nice. It was held at some upscale country club and the people throwing it were pretty rich, so it had lots of perks, the open bar being my personal favorite. They had the actual ceremony outside and miraculously it wasn't 100 degrees out like its been all summer. Overall I had a pretty good time despite only knowing about 5 of the 500 or so guests.
In political news, umm, I haven't been following it lately so I don't know whats going on. Obama announced he would reveal his Vice President through text message so I signed up to get it. I also made an account at his website so maybe I'll actually have a chance to see him speak this time if he comes back to Pennsylvania. I'm debating donating some money to his campaign but idk, I don't think he needs my 5 bucks as much as I do.
In FFXI news, again not much going on since I've barely played lately. I got to duo with Shay again on BLM and we got to 65. I've noticed she's been flying in levels on Monk which is great, I hope she hits 75 soon. I know she wants some Dune Boots but thats gonna be a tough one to pull off with my limited play time. Other than that I got Dancer up to 13 and I think I'm gonna just concentrate on getting that to 37 for now. My Bonecraft is up to 93.4 and I'm definitely looking to finish that up in the near future. So to recap it BLM to 75 with Shay, Dancer to 37, and Bonecraft to 100.
I think my next update I'm gonna throw up some pics of my new house. I got my camera back, which my wife lent out without asking, so I'm gonna take some this week.
I went to a wedding this past weekend which was very nice. It was held at some upscale country club and the people throwing it were pretty rich, so it had lots of perks, the open bar being my personal favorite. They had the actual ceremony outside and miraculously it wasn't 100 degrees out like its been all summer. Overall I had a pretty good time despite only knowing about 5 of the 500 or so guests.
In political news, umm, I haven't been following it lately so I don't know whats going on. Obama announced he would reveal his Vice President through text message so I signed up to get it. I also made an account at his website so maybe I'll actually have a chance to see him speak this time if he comes back to Pennsylvania. I'm debating donating some money to his campaign but idk, I don't think he needs my 5 bucks as much as I do.
In FFXI news, again not much going on since I've barely played lately. I got to duo with Shay again on BLM and we got to 65. I've noticed she's been flying in levels on Monk which is great, I hope she hits 75 soon. I know she wants some Dune Boots but thats gonna be a tough one to pull off with my limited play time. Other than that I got Dancer up to 13 and I think I'm gonna just concentrate on getting that to 37 for now. My Bonecraft is up to 93.4 and I'm definitely looking to finish that up in the near future. So to recap it BLM to 75 with Shay, Dancer to 37, and Bonecraft to 100.
I think my next update I'm gonna throw up some pics of my new house. I got my camera back, which my wife lent out without asking, so I'm gonna take some this week.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
More funny Obama pics
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