Man I am totally ramped up on Politics the last few days for whatever reason.
So I stayed up late to watch McCains acceptance speech at the Republican Convention. I regret it. A lot. It was long winded, boring, and completely lacked any substance whatsoever. He spent the first half talking about, heres a /shock, war. He went on and on about being a POW, about the Iraq war that noone cares about anymore and just wants over, yada yada yada. I was really struggling to stay awake at this point, but I was a trooper and kept on watching.
Then he went on to tell some bullshit story about how Obama is gonna tax the middle class and poor to death (very false btw, just look at their economic plans), and about how Obama doesn't care about education (why hello thar Mr. No Child Left Behind). He even said one of the dumbest things I can even imagine.
Education -- education is the civil rights issue of this century.I can't even possibly begin to describe how stupid this comment is. Forget institutionalized racism, unfair wages, and a disregard by government to improve conditions for the poor. Nope, education is the problem.
A big reason we have such problems in education is a direct result of No Child Left Behind. This bill basically forces schools to push kids through grades to make them pass. They determine Federal funding for schools through test scores, so schools nowadays teach kids how to pass these tests instead of how to actually think for themselves.
Yeah our education system is pretty fucked up no doubt, but to call it "the civil rights issue of this century" is narrow-minded and border line racist.
Ok lets have some more fun with McCains speech
My health care plan will make it easier for more Americans to find and keep good health care insurance. His plan will force small businesses to cut jobs, reduce wages, and force families into a government-run health care system where a bureaucrat... where a bureaucrat stands between you and your doctor.Gee, thats sounds exactly how things already work doesn't it. Obamas plan will not force people into a government run health care system, it will simply allow ALL people to have health insurance
if they choose it. I repeat, Obama will NOT force you to accept government run healthcare, he will simply have it available to ALL people who want it.
We all know that keeping taxes low helps small businesses grow and create new jobs. Cutting the second-highest business tax rate in the world will help American companies compete and keep jobs from going overseas.
Better known as "trickle down" economics, this theory assumes that these businesses will invest the money saved from taxes into expanding their businesses and hire new employees. You know what else sounds great in theory; Communism, and you see how that worked out.
This is a completely and utterly false statement. There is no empirical evidence whatsoever backing this statement up. One thing that is a fact however, is that everytime a Republican has left office (except Reagan) they have left the economy in shambles due to this false and misguided belief.
the first big-spending pork-barrel earmark bill that comes across my desk, I will veto itWhile its true McCain himself is against earmarks and pork-barrels, his running mate has requested and recieved the most earmarks in the entire history of the country. Hypocrite much?
Well thats enough for now, its getting busy here at work, see you later.