Sunday, November 16, 2008

Random stuff

For the past 10 days or so I've been on solo baby duty because my wifey had to get eye surgery, and it was the hardest 10 days of my life lol. Why anyone willingly wants children, let alone multiple children, is beyond me. Babies are no joke, they are very difficult to deal with and demand way too much attention. Many days I barely had enough time to take a piss let alone get anything productive accomplished. Whats that, you wanna sleep? Not happening. Man I'm hungry, gonna make some food. Nope, you aren't, hope you got lots of cereal or something similar that takes 5 seconds to prepare cause thats all the time your getting. Might as well accept the fact that you don't matter anymore.

Despite all that I did manage to get a little FFXI play time in. I was kinda sick of soloing Dancer like I always do when I play lately, so I decided to just mess around and enjoy the scenery. I went to Den of Rancor to solo Leviathan which was a piece of cake as NIN/DNC. I was going to do Ifrit too but Levi took me almost 18 minutes and I didn't feel like doing another marathon fight like that again. After that I hung around Temple Ugly for a bit slaughtering Tonberries for no apparent reason.

I'm hoping once Alyssa hits 3 the month old mark things will get easier with her (like everyone I know assures me) so I can start playing again more. Even though almost everyone I know has quit or rarely plays I still enjoy the game and miss many parts of it. I still want to beat ToAU missions one of these days, and possibly even level another job to 75. The WoTG missions are interesting so far and amazingly I've kept up with them (yeah ok I know theres only 8 of them and they are all soloable). I want to do the new Windy quests from the last update since they have been totally badass so far and I want to see what happens next.

Besides all that nothing new going on. I'm gonna post more pics of Alyssa once I get around to resizing the pics from my digital camera. I had what I thought was a really good one with her petting one of my cats but sadly it turned out pretty badly. I might post it anyway. Who knows. See you all later.

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