"Everything that has a beginning has an end" The Oracle - Matrix Revolutions
As with most everything else in life there comes a time to move on, and that time for me has come. I've been thinking about my exit from FFXI for quite some time now and it never felt "right" until now. It just sort of hit me suddenly, and I thought to myself "Ya know what, its time for me to end this" and so I am.I ask my friends for forgiveness at the way I left, without saying a word. It may seem selfish but its the only way I could go through with it. I've never been much for saying goodbye, and I never liked to linger longer than I should, so to be true to myself this is the way it had to be.
Let me first say that I will miss both Shay and Soul very dearly, you were the only 2 real friends I made on this game and I hope to keep in contact with you guys. You both know how to get a hold of me and I'll always be here to answer you back. That means keep in touch damnit, I got a kid and can't always initiate contact so don't hesitate to contact me. I'll also miss the game in general. It was basically my social life for the last 5 years and its hard to walk away from something like that. It had its pain in the ass moments but overall it was a tremendously good game.There is a lot I will remember from my time here, from my first login, to my first party, to the first time I met Soul and Shay, to the first time I hit 75, and even when I finally beat CoP. There are regrets of course. I wish I could have joined an end game shell for at least a little while, and fought things like Tiamat or Behemoth. I wish I could have done more events like Salvage or Sea or something like that. I wish I could have finished Bonecraft (only got it to 98.4) and finished all the games missions (only got to ToAU 44 and WoTG 10). One of my favorite things about FFXI was its great storytelling and I will miss it a lot.
Enough reminiscing, time to get to the point of this post, which is my final journey. I have debated long and hard about how I wanted to end my time in FFXI, especially in the past few months, but I finally settled on something. I had originally planned to retrace the steps of the final missions in the original game, all the way from Sandy up to the Throne Room in Castle Zvhal, but in the end decided on a different path.
On my way to this spot I walked from Bastok all the way to the crag in Konschatt and entered Promy (*shudder*, I freaking hated Promy) for the last time. Its nowhere near as menacing as it was back when it was first opened. Yes I was among those crazy people that attempted beating them right away, and it was extremely difficult. It was this that prevented me from doing CoP for a very long time. I then moved on to Valkurm and walked through the Vortex and ended up in Lufaise. After taking the long scenic route I entered Tavnazian Safehold and took some pics of the sights.
So I go back to Safehold and, with a tear in my eye, sent my final gifts to Shay and Soul and took the trek to see the real Tavnazia. It was a great ride and I enjoyed almost all of it. Who knows one day I may be back, but for now I have more important things to tend to. I'll keep this blog going and my email/cell phone/IM is always available. See you guys later.

Here's to you man!
Don't be a stranger and get on AIM or txt me sometime remember I expect you at my wedding next year!
lol this thing doesn't word warp to well just highlight both links (down to the date below it) and copy into notepad or something XD
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