Friday, December 28, 2007

First post

So like I say in my description, I created this blog for the sole purpose of making the day go faster at work. I'm a Computer Operator II, which is a fancy way of saying I sit on my ass and stare at computer screens and surf the web all day. Don't get me wrong, I like my job a lot, there just isn't much going on 95% of the time.

My favorite hobby is playing video games, and my favorite thing to do at work is read video game message boards. The main game I play, and not coincidentally my favorite, is an MMORPG called Final Fantasy XI. MMORPG is a fancy term for spending your whole life staring at pixelated characters trying to accumulate virtual "power and wealth" so you can say you have the biggest e-peen of them all. Its a huge addictive time sink and frankly I can't get enough of it.

I have been on a break from FFXI for nearly 3 months and I am eager to get back. Hopefully that will be in the very near future. I have several good friends that I will introduce in later posts. I'll probably bitch about it, and other things in my life too.

Well thats it for now, its almost time to go home.

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