Thursday, March 27, 2008

New due date

So I went back to the Gynocologist on Monday and they told us the results of last months ultrasound. It seems like everything is normal so far and he told us the new due date is now September 21st. The visit itself was pretty uneventful, all we did was listen to the babies heartbeat through this little remote control looking device. Actually it sounded kind of weird, kinda like the signal from outer space in the movie Contact lol.

Now that the wife is 14 weeks into the pregnancy and mostly over her morning sickness and whatnot, she is finally starting to sleep full nights again. Her inability to sleep has been hindering my FFXI, and generally everything else, time that I love so much. Not that I mind seeing her, its just that I like to have plans set and her waking up early and interrupting "my time" bugs the hell out of me. Yes I realize that "my time" will probably be non-existant in about 4-5 months, so I need to soak it up as much as possible while I still can.

Other than that not much has happened. I had a week long stomach virus I was battling which wasn't fun at all. Had dinner with the family on Easter which was uneventful. Just a little chatter, a little food, and some good dessert. I also drafted my Fantasy Baseball team a few days ago in the league I won last year. I think I have a really good team this year, and if all my guys stay healthy I have a good shot at winning again this year.

I'm considering letting more people see this blog, and I'm also gonna start updating it at home more often and adding pictures. Then you all can see my ugly mug anytime you want ^^ ......... >_>. Lol anyways see you later.

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