Saturday, March 22, 2008

A surprisingly good day

Before I say anything else, I just want to say I reread what I wrote last night, and I had no idea I could be that emo lol. I guess sometimes you just need to get that type of stuff out of your system.

As for my day, everything has been going very nicely as of late. Starting from work last night, the system I was monitoring usually likes to have tons of problems during the night. For some miraculous reason there were barely any problems at all allowing me to have a nice relaxing night. My turnover showed up early and I had a nice easy ride home thanks to it being a weekend morning. When I got home I was amazed that the wife didn't keep me up for hours talking my ear off (like usual >_>), so I actually got some sleep for once.

After I woke up from my nice rest I logged onto FFXI and saw Shay online even though she told me she wouldn't be on today. It was a very pleasant surprise for sure :). I've been blowing her off a bit lately (I'm so sorry for that ; ;) so I was determined to spend some time with her today. Anni was harrassing me for help with something but I held firm and waited for Shay to come back from being afk. She eventually came back and we decided to go duo our WHM and BLM in Pso'xja against Cryptonberry Elementals.

The camp is right inside the entrance so theres no crawling through dungeons and there is a zone nearby in case shit hits the fan (which happened a few times thanks to her uber 1337 pulling skills :P). We were there about 2 hours and she managed to level up to 46. Sadly I had to leave so I could get ready for work. I really enjoyed it and maybe we can do it some more tomorrow.

I haven't been able to spend much time with Shay lately and I am really starting to miss it. I had so much fun leveling BST with her, and doing other things such as our weekly Escort run, or another failed attempt to get a PCC. I told her that I was a little sad because I feel like we are starting to drift apart, but she said that she thinks its only because we haven't spent much time together recently. She's probably right, she almost always is. Looks like I'm just gonna have to be a pain in her ass again like before lol. I get the feeling she actually likes it when I am ^^.

Well heres hoping tomorrow is as good as today was.

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