Saturday, March 29, 2008
I'm happy........ and a bit anxious
On Friday I finally managed to drag her out to La Vaule [S] to try out some BST duoing. The camp was a bit challenging but I had a lot of fun and hope we can do it again soon. She has also convinced me to level BLM so we can duo again. I'm 8 levels behind her but if I try hard I can probably catch her.
I also finally finished up all the Dental work I needed which makes me very happy. Unfortunately I have brittle teeth so I had a few broken ones that needed to be fixed. There isn't anything I can do about it sadly, I just have to live with it.
For the anxious part, its due entirely to an email I just sent to Shay. I said a lot in it and I'm just hoping she takes what I said well and things still stay good between us. I said some things I've been wanting to say for quite a while but was either afraid or didn't think it was appropriate at the time. Why send it now? Well because I felt I needed to do it.
My next update will be from home and will probably include some pics so brace yourself cause it won't be pretty :P
Thursday, March 27, 2008
New due date
Now that the wife is 14 weeks into the pregnancy and mostly over her morning sickness and whatnot, she is finally starting to sleep full nights again. Her inability to sleep has been hindering my FFXI, and generally everything else, time that I love so much. Not that I mind seeing her, its just that I like to have plans set and her waking up early and interrupting "my time" bugs the hell out of me. Yes I realize that "my time" will probably be non-existant in about 4-5 months, so I need to soak it up as much as possible while I still can.
Other than that not much has happened. I had a week long stomach virus I was battling which wasn't fun at all. Had dinner with the family on Easter which was uneventful. Just a little chatter, a little food, and some good dessert. I also drafted my Fantasy Baseball team a few days ago in the league I won last year. I think I have a really good team this year, and if all my guys stay healthy I have a good shot at winning again this year.
I'm considering letting more people see this blog, and I'm also gonna start updating it at home more often and adding pictures. Then you all can see my ugly mug anytime you want ^^ ......... >_>. Lol anyways see you later.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
A surprisingly good day
As for my day, everything has been going very nicely as of late. Starting from work last night, the system I was monitoring usually likes to have tons of problems during the night. For some miraculous reason there were barely any problems at all allowing me to have a nice relaxing night. My turnover showed up early and I had a nice easy ride home thanks to it being a weekend morning. When I got home I was amazed that the wife didn't keep me up for hours talking my ear off (like usual >_>), so I actually got some sleep for once.
After I woke up from my nice rest I logged onto FFXI and saw Shay online even though she told me she wouldn't be on today. It was a very pleasant surprise for sure :). I've been blowing her off a bit lately (I'm so sorry for that ; ;) so I was determined to spend some time with her today. Anni was harrassing me for help with something but I held firm and waited for Shay to come back from being afk. She eventually came back and we decided to go duo our WHM and BLM in Pso'xja against Cryptonberry Elementals.
The camp is right inside the entrance so theres no crawling through dungeons and there is a zone nearby in case shit hits the fan (which happened a few times thanks to her uber 1337 pulling skills :P). We were there about 2 hours and she managed to level up to 46. Sadly I had to leave so I could get ready for work. I really enjoyed it and maybe we can do it some more tomorrow.
I haven't been able to spend much time with Shay lately and I am really starting to miss it. I had so much fun leveling BST with her, and doing other things such as our weekly Escort run, or another failed attempt to get a PCC. I told her that I was a little sad because I feel like we are starting to drift apart, but she said that she thinks its only because we haven't spent much time together recently. She's probably right, she almost always is. Looks like I'm just gonna have to be a pain in her ass again like before lol. I get the feeling she actually likes it when I am ^^.
Well heres hoping tomorrow is as good as today was.
Things never go the way you want them to
I'm about to do something that could very well amount to "friendship suicide", but its something I feel needs to be done. Its very risky for me considering what is at stake, considering what I may lose. You see what I have now I cherish very much, but unfortunately like many things in life, it has gotten stagnant and progress needs to be made. I could lose everything, but I could also gain the world, gain happiness, gain everything else I've been dreaming of.
I just hope that I am right about this, and that I am allowed to have that chance.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
March Madness
It was a good year for the Philly teams as all of our "Big 3" teams made it to the dance (St. Josephs, Temple, and Villanova). I think this is the first time all 3 made it in nearly a decade. Sadly Temple already lost today, but the other two play on Friday and I think they will both win. Unfortunately for me I will be in work during both games so I won't get to see either team play ; ;. This year is also the first time in as long as I can remember that I didn't enter any money pools. I blame it on me being sick the last few days and a crappy work schedule. Oh well, I still filled one out for myself so at least I can see how well I do anyway.
In FFXI they finally had the first big version update for the sadly underwhelming Wings of the Goddess expansion. The did all kinds of things such as opening up new areas, job adjustments, and adding new quests (no new mission wtf ><). The job adjustments didn't affect me much since I don't play any of them, and the new areas were mildly interesting at best. No really great merit camps and they put the Beastmen fortifications right smack in the middle of normal aggroing mobs (fucking retarded). But the biggest thing that caught my eye
After 6 years of FFXI's existence there is FINALLY a male Mithra. I would link a pic but I don't want to spoil it for you guys since I know you haven't seen him yet.
Other than that its pretty much same old same old. I have started to get the phone calls from Obama and Hillary camps trying to get me to register Democrat for the Primary. While I don't really mind it (yet) I'm sure in the next 30 days I'm gonna want to shoot someone because of it lol.
Well thats it for now, see you later.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Having a little fun
First thing, just to show I'm a good sport, I'll show the Obama ones first. The biggest thing people like to poke fun at him for is his lack of experience and his Muslim background.

Now Hillary is pretty easy, and people using make fun of her for riding her husbands cottails and also for being someone who's on a constant emotional rollercoaster.

And Finally we have John McCain, who is seen by many to be exactly like Bush with a temper, as well as being seen as too old to be President.

Well I hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do, and realize that no matter who you support that they are not perfect. I may sound serious about many things such as this election, but I assure you I have a very deep sense of humor about most things in life. You guys probably know me well enough by now to realize that though.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
My teams never win
Anyway one of my favorite teams happened to yet again lose a big game they had no business losing. This time it was my favorite College Basketball team, the St. Josephs University Hawks. I also happen to be a former student at this fine establishment of Academia.
Today they were playing in the A-10 title game against another Philly team, Temple University. The Hawks were fresh of beating #10 ranked Xavier and had lots of momentum coming into this game, not to mention they are better than Temple too. Well as it so often happens, they manged to choke today and lose 69-64, thus losing an automatic bid into the NCAA tournament and possibly losing an at-large bid too.
Now I'm sure you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about here Shay, but since you asked me to write more often you're just gonna have to put up with stuff like this :P. Also Soul said I was gay for what I wrote about the Chocobo I bought so make sure you /slap him hard for me ok. See you guys soon.
Friday, March 14, 2008
So someone does read this blog
There isn't a whole lot going on right now with me, just trying to enjoy what little time I have left before the baby comes. She is now into month 4 and honestly she isn't really showing too many signs of being pregnant yet. She hasn't started to gain any weight (in fact she's actually lost some) but that will change soon no doubt. I also took the liberty of buying my child his or her first gift from me. Soul already got on my ass about getting it, but I think its an adorable gift, and it will be something from me that I care about.

As you can tell its a baby Chocobo like the ones you can raise in FFXI. I think its about the cutest thing in the world and I'm sure my baby will love it.
Also the Presidential race has shifted to my home state of Pennsylvania, where we will be in the spotlight for the next 6 weeks. Since I am a registered Independant I won't be bothered with all the phone calls and junkmail, at least not until the General Election later this year. I am however hoping to be able to go see Obama speak sometime even though there isn't anything scheduled for him in my area yet.
Thats all for now, thank you Shay and Soul for actually reading this crappy blog, I do appreciate it.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
How are the Dems gonna blow it this time?
Well these same people were the ones that crucified me for saying that Bush was gonna beat Kerry last election. They also said that once we got a Democratically controlled Congress everything would magically get better (as I predicted nothing changed).
If it sounds like I'm a Republican right about now, I assure you I am not. I am a registered Independant with no party affiliation and I don't intend on ever changing that. That being said I will admit that I voted for Bush in 2000 and in 2004.
I feel totally justified in voting for him in 2000 and will defend my choice till the end. The fact of the matter is that he WAS the best choice then and proved it at least in his first 2 years in office. At the time we were coming off of a Democratic President who taxed us to death and made it damn near impossible for a middle class family to live comfortably. The Tech boom was dying out and all the extra money from that was gone and the economy was starting to tank. We needed a Republican to cut taxes and give us some money in our pockets for once.
He also did a marvelous job handling 9/11 (and no, he didn't cause it on purpose so shut up with the stupid ass conspiracy theories) and took quick action to go after Bin Laden. I honestly admired him very much at the time for doing all this.
Come 2004 he started to show some of his flaws. The war wasn't going well and it was revealed there were no WMD's in Iraq (the reason given for the war). He was starting to show his stubborness by not changing his mind no matter how wrong he was. Looking back voting for him was a mistake, but honestly John Kerry was a pretty terrible candidate in his own right. He lied about his war record in Vietnam and showed himself to be an uncharismatic, and far too pacifistic person. He also flip flopped his stances on issues almost daily (also something Gore did) and I think more than anything thats why he lost. I had initially supported John Edwards in 2004 and I'm convinced to this day he would have beaten Bush had he won the nomination.
So, whats all this have to do with the question in the Topic title? Nothing really, except for the fact that if things go the way they are now it looks like another 4 years of Republican rule in the White House. There is exactly one way the Dems can lose this election, and thats if Hillary drags it out to the convention. As it stands she is still pretty far behind Obama in pledged Delegates, and even if she wins the rest of the states 55-45 she will still be trailing Obama by 50.
For the good of the party, the American people, and the world in general, Hillary needs to drop out after Pennsylvania, or the Super Delegates need to step in and end this. The longer John McCain has to raise money and build a campaign the better chance he has to win it. Do the math, Obama is a damn near lock to win even if Hillary dominates the rest of the way. Step aside Hillary, its time to do the right thing.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Super Tuesday part 2
My prediction is that they split Texas and Ohio, but Obama will win out slightly in total delegates. Very soon after you'll start to see the Superdelegates jumping over to support Obama and essentially forcing Hillary to pull out. The last thing the Dems want is a long drawn out fight that can divide the party, which will give John McCain and the Republicans plenty of time to build themselves up for November. I think worst case scenario for the Dems is a Hillary sweep because then this will be a very bitter end at the convention that will likely divide the party.
In real life news we had our first ultrasound recently and it turns out the baby is doing quite well so far. I could see its little arms and legs, and its spine, and I could even see its little heart beating. I have to admit it was pretty exciting. She is just about 3 months pregnant right now so the little guy will probably be arriving early September like the first estimated due date said. She also had successful eye surgery and is just about done recovering from it.
I also just wanted to make a comment about the blog in general. I stated before that I didn't want this to turn into some lame Myspace type journal where I write about every little thing I do, and I noticed that most of my posts are sorta like that. Well I guess thats how it is and I probably won't change much. The 1 or 2 people that actually read it seem to be interested in whats going on with me so I'll probably keep updates like I do now. That being said, I damn sure ain't gonna write about every little thing that I do. Frankly my life is not that exciting nor does is warrant more than a paragraph or two every week.