According to those projections Obama has 211 electoral votes and McCain has 194, with 270 votes needed to win. To break it down even further we can look at current polling from each battleground state.
- Ohio (20) - Obama +5.3
- Pennsylvania (21) - Obama +7.3
- Michigan (17) - McCain +1.6
- Wisconsin (10) - Obama +8
- New Hampshire (4) - McCain +1.4
- Viriginia (13) - Obama +0.5
- Florida (27) - McCain +5
- Missouri (11) - Obama +1
- Colorado (9) - Obama +2
- New Mexico (5) - Tie (but poll right before this one had Obama winning)
- Nevada (5) - McCain +1
So after adding up these numbers to the existing ones we now get Obama with 295 and McCain with 247, and giving McCain New Mexico we get 295-252 and Obama winiing the Presidency. I think that this result will be close to the actual one with some slight changes.
I think Obama will win New Mexico, Nevada, and New Hampshire but lose Virginia. Everything else will play out like CNN says in my opinion resulting in Obama winning 296-251.
We are still a long way off from November though, and a lot can happen in the next 5 months. You also have to consider that Obama just came off of a brutal primary win and there are still a lot of bitter Clinton supporters out there who haven't gotten over her loss. I'm positive most will get over it and come around and vote for Obama come election day. I honestly can't see Obama losing this election, the Dems have so much going for them that even they can't screw this one up.
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