Especially in the summer when its 98 degrees without a cloud in sight. I hurt in places I didn't even know I had.
I also discovered that I own way too much worthless crap I rarely or never use. I got a 14 foot truck, thinking since I was only bringing a few big things, that it would be plenty of room. Boy was I dead wrong. After I had to return the moving truck it took about 6 car trips to get the rest of the stuff.
I learned three very important lessons from this move
- 1) Never move in the summer
- 2) Don't be a cheap ass and rent a Dolly or two
- 3) Screw 1 and 2, hire someone to do it for you.
Anyway I have to say I'm very pleased with my house so far. Everything works properly, its cozy, the neighbors are nice, and the neighborhood is quiet. The only annoying thing is that damn near everywhere in the town you need a permit to park. I already got a ticket and now I'm forced to park in a lot 2 blocks away until I can get a permit.
Hopefully I'll have my internet back soon so I can log onto FFXI and collect my 100 million gil prize ^^.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Moving time
I have come to the conclusion that the process of purchasing a home, and moving into said home, is one of the most frustrating things I have ever endured. First I'm looking at crappy house after crappy house that I can actually afford, to being teased by very nice homes that I can only dream of affording. I feel I was very lucky to get the one I got, because it is both a very nice and well kept house, but it was also very affordable.
Then comes the process and making an offer, which involves mountains of paperwork and enough signatures to make my arm fall off. If they reject it you have to do it all again to make a counter offer.
So someone accepts your offer huh, great the hard part is done. Not so fast, the fun has just begun. First the need about 489563949 financial documents from you, along with blood and urine samples and your first born child (j/k obviously, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did ask for all that >_>). Btw they never tell you everything they need up front, no no no they like to spring things on you suddenly and make you go way out of your way to get it to them.
Once all that bullshit is taken care of you have to change over all your utilities, phone, internet, and address changes. Its fun sitting on the phone for hours trying to get all this done with inept operators who have no clue how to do their job, let alone know how to speak English with any sort of clarity.
Then comes the best part, packing everything you own up, hauling it onto a moving van, driving to your new house, unloading it all, unpacking it, and putting it away. Oh boy I can't wait for Saturday.
Then comes the process and making an offer, which involves mountains of paperwork and enough signatures to make my arm fall off. If they reject it you have to do it all again to make a counter offer.
So someone accepts your offer huh, great the hard part is done. Not so fast, the fun has just begun. First the need about 489563949 financial documents from you, along with blood and urine samples and your first born child (j/k obviously, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did ask for all that >_>). Btw they never tell you everything they need up front, no no no they like to spring things on you suddenly and make you go way out of your way to get it to them.
Once all that bullshit is taken care of you have to change over all your utilities, phone, internet, and address changes. Its fun sitting on the phone for hours trying to get all this done with inept operators who have no clue how to do their job, let alone know how to speak English with any sort of clarity.
Then comes the best part, packing everything you own up, hauling it onto a moving van, driving to your new house, unloading it all, unpacking it, and putting it away. Oh boy I can't wait for Saturday.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Election Map
According to those projections Obama has 211 electoral votes and McCain has 194, with 270 votes needed to win. To break it down even further we can look at current polling from each battleground state.
- Ohio (20) - Obama +5.3
- Pennsylvania (21) - Obama +7.3
- Michigan (17) - McCain +1.6
- Wisconsin (10) - Obama +8
- New Hampshire (4) - McCain +1.4
- Viriginia (13) - Obama +0.5
- Florida (27) - McCain +5
- Missouri (11) - Obama +1
- Colorado (9) - Obama +2
- New Mexico (5) - Tie (but poll right before this one had Obama winning)
- Nevada (5) - McCain +1
So after adding up these numbers to the existing ones we now get Obama with 295 and McCain with 247, and giving McCain New Mexico we get 295-252 and Obama winiing the Presidency. I think that this result will be close to the actual one with some slight changes.
I think Obama will win New Mexico, Nevada, and New Hampshire but lose Virginia. Everything else will play out like CNN says in my opinion resulting in Obama winning 296-251.
We are still a long way off from November though, and a lot can happen in the next 5 months. You also have to consider that Obama just came off of a brutal primary win and there are still a lot of bitter Clinton supporters out there who haven't gotten over her loss. I'm positive most will get over it and come around and vote for Obama come election day. I honestly can't see Obama losing this election, the Dems have so much going for them that even they can't screw this one up.
Friday, June 13, 2008
The joy of Pet leveling
Is there a better way to level in FFXI outside of merits? I always knew that leveling BLM off of them was great, especially after level 50 when you get Ancient Magic. I never realized how great it would be leveling BLU off of them.
Ok, way back in the day not too long after the release of ToAU, I promised myself I would level BLU if I ever managed to beat CoP. I eventually did beat CoP and so I began to level BLU. I only made it to level 27 and basically gave it up because I couldn't get any parties.
Fast forward to the present, I've been finding myself terribly bored in game lately. I had been duoing BLM with Shay but we don't get to do that very often. Soul hasn't been around hardly at all lately. Anni usually only plays very late at night and I had been on dayshift so I didn't stay up that long. I'm getting sick of doing Campaign all the time, and I don't really have any quests or missions left I can do solo.
So what did I decide to do? I dusted off my BLU, geared it up, and headed out to a Goblin Pet camp in Yhoator Jungle. All I can say is wow, BLU completely shreds them a new asshole. I quickly went from 27-29 and moved onto Bibiki Bay and got to 30. I then moved onto a camp in Attowha Chasm where I currently sit about 1500 to level 32. The good part is I can level almost to 70 on Gob pets if I wanted too, which I may just do.
Now about learning all them spells.......
Ok, way back in the day not too long after the release of ToAU, I promised myself I would level BLU if I ever managed to beat CoP. I eventually did beat CoP and so I began to level BLU. I only made it to level 27 and basically gave it up because I couldn't get any parties.
Fast forward to the present, I've been finding myself terribly bored in game lately. I had been duoing BLM with Shay but we don't get to do that very often. Soul hasn't been around hardly at all lately. Anni usually only plays very late at night and I had been on dayshift so I didn't stay up that long. I'm getting sick of doing Campaign all the time, and I don't really have any quests or missions left I can do solo.
So what did I decide to do? I dusted off my BLU, geared it up, and headed out to a Goblin Pet camp in Yhoator Jungle. All I can say is wow, BLU completely shreds them a new asshole. I quickly went from 27-29 and moved onto Bibiki Bay and got to 30. I then moved onto a camp in Attowha Chasm where I currently sit about 1500 to level 32. The good part is I can level almost to 70 on Gob pets if I wanted too, which I may just do.
Now about learning all them spells.......
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Saturdays are so boring
I hate day shift on Saturday. Literally nothing happens all damn day besides 8am maintenance, which typically lasts 30-40 minutes. And since its a weekend noone posts on any forums or anything either. I don't even have an early Phillies game to listen to to keep me occupied. I wish I could take a nap >_>
Anyways like I said in the last post Obama won the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, and today Hillary finally managed to put her ego aside and officially endorse his candidacy. Well I'm gonna go back and point out exactly how, in my opinion, she lost what should have been an easy nomination for her.
1. She ran perhaps the worst campaign in election history. In a time when the people were clearly clammoring for change she tried to run a traditional campaign where she touted her "experience" as her strength. To many this equated to the same old politics we've seen the past few decades, which is exactly what many people (myself included) want to see done away with. The fact that she comes from a political "dynasty" so to speak didn't help either.
2. She never had a plan for post Super Tuesday. She was so sure she would have the nomination locked up by then that she blew all her money beforehand so her campaign eventually went into debt. This also caused her to have an aura of inevitability, an attitude that the nomination was owed to her, that turned a lot of people off to her.
3. She rolled the dice on the "big" states hoping that they would give her enough delegates, and effectively wrote off all the other states. As was made plainly clear during Obamas 11 state win streak following Super Tuesday, this was a huge tactical error that cost her dearly.
4. She has a very unstable personality that scares many people and makes her seem weak. It seemed like every day there was a new face to Hillary, whether it be crying one day, to ranting and raving the next. Many people want their leader to be calm and cool at all times, which Obama is and Hillary is not.
5. She couldn't control her husband. He pretty much went wild and said many controversial things that hurt his wife more than helped her. He planted the seeds of doubt that if she can't control her own husband how can she run the country.
6. Obama was just a better candidate. Their policy stances are nearly identicle with their only real difference being personality. Obama showed time and again he has much stronger character and far more charisma than Hillary could ever hope to muster.
These are my opinions but I stand by them. I'm looking forward to watching President Obama being sworn in office in January, it should be a good 4 years.
Anyways like I said in the last post Obama won the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, and today Hillary finally managed to put her ego aside and officially endorse his candidacy. Well I'm gonna go back and point out exactly how, in my opinion, she lost what should have been an easy nomination for her.
1. She ran perhaps the worst campaign in election history. In a time when the people were clearly clammoring for change she tried to run a traditional campaign where she touted her "experience" as her strength. To many this equated to the same old politics we've seen the past few decades, which is exactly what many people (myself included) want to see done away with. The fact that she comes from a political "dynasty" so to speak didn't help either.
2. She never had a plan for post Super Tuesday. She was so sure she would have the nomination locked up by then that she blew all her money beforehand so her campaign eventually went into debt. This also caused her to have an aura of inevitability, an attitude that the nomination was owed to her, that turned a lot of people off to her.
3. She rolled the dice on the "big" states hoping that they would give her enough delegates, and effectively wrote off all the other states. As was made plainly clear during Obamas 11 state win streak following Super Tuesday, this was a huge tactical error that cost her dearly.
4. She has a very unstable personality that scares many people and makes her seem weak. It seemed like every day there was a new face to Hillary, whether it be crying one day, to ranting and raving the next. Many people want their leader to be calm and cool at all times, which Obama is and Hillary is not.
5. She couldn't control her husband. He pretty much went wild and said many controversial things that hurt his wife more than helped her. He planted the seeds of doubt that if she can't control her own husband how can she run the country.
6. Obama was just a better candidate. Their policy stances are nearly identicle with their only real difference being personality. Obama showed time and again he has much stronger character and far more charisma than Hillary could ever hope to muster.
These are my opinions but I stand by them. I'm looking forward to watching President Obama being sworn in office in January, it should be a good 4 years.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Ding dong the witch is dead
After a way too long nomination battle Obama finally managed to smite Hillary and become the Democratic candidate for President. I'm so unbelievably excited right now and so happy. The two political family dynasties (Bush's and Clinton's) reigns have finally come to an end and we can get some fresh new blood in the White House.
I've also come to realize that buying a house is a royal pain in the ass. It seems like every day I have to get some kind of document for my realtor or mortgage company and go take it to them. Since we are settling so fast its even more imperative we get everything done as soon as possible. We lucked out and don't have to worry about an inspection and its still a pain. I can't wait till all this bullshit is over and I can finally move in.
Other than that not much going on. Haven't really done anything worthwhile in FFXI lately and work is pretty much same old same old. Maybe I'll have something interesting to talk about next time. Nah, probably not lol.
I've also come to realize that buying a house is a royal pain in the ass. It seems like every day I have to get some kind of document for my realtor or mortgage company and go take it to them. Since we are settling so fast its even more imperative we get everything done as soon as possible. We lucked out and don't have to worry about an inspection and its still a pain. I can't wait till all this bullshit is over and I can finally move in.
Other than that not much going on. Haven't really done anything worthwhile in FFXI lately and work is pretty much same old same old. Maybe I'll have something interesting to talk about next time. Nah, probably not lol.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
New election math
Yesterday the Democratic National Convention's Rules and Bylaws committee met to decide what to do about the delegates from Florida and Michigan. Late last year those two states violated party rules by moving up their primaries to January and the DNC stripped them of all their delegates.
Being that this is such a close race, and that the Democratic party doesn't want to disenfranchise the voters from those states, they met yesterday to decide if they should allow the delegates to be sat at the convention. After a full day of listening to arguments and proposals they decided to fully seat both states delegates, but they will only be given half a vote instead of a full vote.
So the final tally from this decision gave Hillary 87 votes and Obama recieved 63 votes. This still means that Obama is the clear front runner and pretty much put the nail in the coffin for Hillary. Now 2118 delegates are needed to win the nomination, with Obama currently leading 2051-1877. If the results of the final three primaries reflect the polls it will leave Obama roughly 20 delegates shy of clinching the nomination, and I expect the Superdelegates to move quickly to end the fight.
So unless some kind of miracle happens (ie Clinton steals the nomination using lawyers and the courts) Obama is going to win the nomination, and hopefully the Presidency. Its was a good day for America, a step in the right direction to restoring our reputation with the rest of the world.
Being that this is such a close race, and that the Democratic party doesn't want to disenfranchise the voters from those states, they met yesterday to decide if they should allow the delegates to be sat at the convention. After a full day of listening to arguments and proposals they decided to fully seat both states delegates, but they will only be given half a vote instead of a full vote.
So the final tally from this decision gave Hillary 87 votes and Obama recieved 63 votes. This still means that Obama is the clear front runner and pretty much put the nail in the coffin for Hillary. Now 2118 delegates are needed to win the nomination, with Obama currently leading 2051-1877. If the results of the final three primaries reflect the polls it will leave Obama roughly 20 delegates shy of clinching the nomination, and I expect the Superdelegates to move quickly to end the fight.
So unless some kind of miracle happens (ie Clinton steals the nomination using lawyers and the courts) Obama is going to win the nomination, and hopefully the Presidency. Its was a good day for America, a step in the right direction to restoring our reputation with the rest of the world.
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